From September 24 to 28, 2024, the 21st China-ASEAN Expo and the 24th China International Industrial Fair successfully concluded in a flourishing atmosphere. INJET New Energy was honored to participate in both annual industry events, witnessing this remarkable moment alongside industry peers. Throughout the exhibitions, the company attracted numerous industry experts and potential customers with its innovative technologies and forward-thinking concepts. Not only did INJET demonstrate its strength in the new energy sector, but it also received high praise and wide recognition from attendees for its outstanding product performance and comprehensive solutions.
The 21st China-ASEAN Expo
展位 / Booth:D02005 / D02007
The theme of the 21st China-ASEAN Expo was "Sincere Development for a Diamond-Crowned Future." This year marked the beginning of the "Diamond-Crowned" phase for the expo, introducing a new strategic emerging topic focusing on new productive forces, showcasing the latest achievements in digital technology, green low-carbon solutions, new energy, and smart connected vehicles. Seizing this opportunity, INJET New Energy showcased its innovative spirit and demonstrated its leading advantages in EV charging technology.
“Our goal in overseas markets is aiming to expand from online to offline markets,” emphasized by INJET New Energy during interviews. Reiterating the importance of its international expansion strategy, the company hopes to leverage the expo to enhance its brand influence and explore broader international markets. Additionally, it was invited to participate in investment and trade promotion activities, where they listened to industry trends and actively pursued collaboration opportunities.
视线聚焦到展会现场,一面由英杰新能源打造的充电桩墙成为“打卡”新地标,吸引参观者接踵而至——可立柱可壁挂的Injet Sonic、外观小巧但功能强大的Injet Mini2.0、Injet Swift2.0及兼容性强的欧标小直流桩Injet Hub等,在业务员的专业讲解、产品册的介绍、与直观生动的实物展示共同加持下,英杰新能源展位收获着源源不断的关注,与此同时,精心准备的熊猫玩偶周边更是收获了一波额外点赞。
At the exhibition, a charging pile wall created by INJET New Energy became a new landmark, attracting a steady stream of visitors. Products like the versatile Injet Sonic, compact yet powerful Injet Mini 2.0, Injet Swift 2.0, and the highly compatible European-standard Injet Hub DC charger were showcased. The booth garnered continuous attention thanks to professional demonstrations, product brochures, and engaging product displays. Meanwhile, panda-themed souvenirs prepared by the company were a hit, earning additional praise from attendees.
在这之中,尤其引人注目的当属欧/美标直流桩Injet Ampax,它配备高对比度 LCD 触摸屏,专为写字楼、城市CBD、机场等场所设计,不仅高效且稳定,还兼顾了美观性,能够显著提升所在场地的商业价值,化身展位的亮点好物,引起了国内国际参观者的浓厚兴趣,在一波接一波的驻足询问中为英杰新能源带来了宝贵的行业交流机会与潜在客户资源。
Among the displayed products, the European and American standard DC charger, Injet Ampax, stood out. Equipped with a high-contrast LCD touchscreen, it is ideal for office buildings, urban CBDs, and airports, combining efficiency with aesthetics to enhance the commercial value of its surroundings. This product caught the keen interest of both domestic and international visitors, generating valuable industry exchanges and potential client opportunities for INJET New Energy amidst a flurry of inquiries.
The 24th China International Industry Fair
The China International Industrial Fair is one of the largest and most comprehensive industrial exhibitions in China, attracting numerous companies from a wide range of sectors and the highest level of internationalization. At the 24th edition of the fair, over a dozen enterprises from Sichuan Province, organized by the Sichuan Economic and Information Technology Department, collectively showcased the remarkable achievements of the province's industrial growth. As part of the Sichuan delegation, INJET New Energy utilized this important platform for display and international collaboration to attract significant attention and explore more global business opportunities with its strong research and development capabilities and innovative products.
At INJET’s booth E022 in Hall 4.1, the iH1C series of DC fast EV chargers became the focal point. This series features intelligent flexible scheduling technology for real-time power management, along with input over/under voltage protection and multiple safety measures for DC output. Its core component, a programmable power controller (PPC) independently developed by INJET New Energy, achieves high integration of the charging pile control functions and power components, simplifying installation and enhancing operational stability. These features made the iH1C a standout at the event, serving as INJET’s shining showcase product.
On September 28, as the expo concluded, the Shanghai International Exhibition Center bid farewell to participants laden with achievements, returning to tranquility. Meanwhile, the main building of the Nanning International Exhibition Center, resembling a hibiscus flower, shimmered brilliantly In the night.
Much like the ever-blooming flower that symbolizes openness and inclusiveness, INJET New Energy, enriched with new insights and confidence, looks forward to an even more vibrant future. With the vision of becoming a global leader in comprehensive new energy solutions, the company extends an invitation to the world, eagerly anticipating a more exciting reunion next time.